3 Ways To Get Lower Back Pain Relief

Dealing with lower back pain that won't go away on its own can have a negative impact on your quality of life. You may experience pain that is mild yet annoying, or pain that is so severe it's debilitating. Regardless of the severity of your lower back pain, you don't need to continue to live with it. There are effective ways to ease lower back pain quickly while also preventing it from coming back. [Read More]

Adjusting To Chiropractic Care | Chiropractic Adjustments For Newbies

Getting adjusted by a chiropractor is a big part of chiropractic treatment, but it can also be one of the most intimidating for new patients. You may be wondering what an adjustment entails and whether it will hurt. The good news is that chiropractic adjustments are relatively gentle and almost always feel great afterward. Here's a rundown of what you can expect during your first adjustment. What Happens During an Adjustment? [Read More]

Advice For Those Looking To Use Decompression Therapy For Lower Back Pain

If you have lower back pain that's not going away regardless of what treatments you pursue, you might look into decompression therapy. It's a non-surgical treatment involving motorized traction. You can have this performed by most chiropractors today. You'll just want to do these things when pursuing this option to find relief.  Have Chiropractor Thoroughly Assess Spine First In order to know exactly what type of adjustments you need from decompression therapy, you should let a chiropractor thoroughly examine your spine and lower back pain symptoms first. [Read More]

Should You Seek Help From A Chiropractor For Car Accident Injuries?

No one wants to get into a car accident, but it is always a possibility. An injury from a car accident can be painful, even if the injuries are not outward. Treatment for car accident injuries can vary from pain medication to physical therapy. Chiropractic treatment is also an option. If you are not sure if chiropractic treatment is going to help your car accident injuries, consider the following:  How Bad Was the Car Accident? [Read More]